What are community legal centres?



Community legal centres (CLCs) are independent non-government organisations that provide free legal services to people and communities, at time when that help is needed most - particularly to people facing economic hardship and discrimination.

Community legal centres provide a safety net to prevent people's legal problems from escalating. Without early legal advice, families can break down and health problems can escalate; people can be unnecessarily evicted and can lose their jobs.

There are almost 40 community legal centres in NSW. Below is a list, as well as links to their websites.

For a great overview of the work of community legal centres across NSW, click here.


Specialist community legal centres


Generalist community legal centres



Need free legal help?

Community legal centres help thousands of people every single day with a whole range of issues - housing, fines, family matters, domestic and family violence, and more.

Call Law Access on 1300 888 529 or consult our online directory to find out who to speak to.